USB Image for SuperMicro SAS Firmware Updates

I have created a USB image for SuperMicro SAS firmware updates to help me with converting SAS controllers to I/T (Initiator/Target) mode instead of the default IR (Integrated RAID) mode. This USB contains all of the SAS firmware downloads available from SuperMicro.

See this post for details about how to flash a USB.


URL Format Size Checksum Extraction
flshfw10.tar.bz2 tar, gzip 68MB 39222 69242 tar jvxf flshfw10.tar.bz2
flshfw10.tar.gz tar, bzip2 72MB 39754 73500 tar zvxf flshfw10.tar.gz zip 72MB 10292 73497 unzip

Directory Structure

At the top level of the USB there is a SMC directory. Its structure exactly matches the directory. In other words SMC/SAS matches

Here is the tree.

How I Created the Tree

I created the tree by running the linux tree command and then translating the output to get a printable ASCII tree. It was a bit tricky because the non-printable sequences were 2 or 3 characters long.

Here are the commands that I ran.

I then uploaded tree-fixed.txt.

The tree and xxd commands are available on linux. The command was written by me to do the conversion. Here is the source code.

Here is the script I wrote to download and configure the SMC directory.

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