Simple python web server to demonstrate GET/POST handling and support for embedded Python- round 2

I created a simple python based web server to demonstrate how to use SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler for handling GET/POST requests. It also demonstrates how to build a system that supports embedded python, templates, create custom URLs, execute local scripts and a number of other things.

It is a single script that acts like a web server, a web server gateway interface and server code so the solution is completely self contained.
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Simple python web server to demonstrate GET/POST handling

This blog describes a simple open source (MIT licensed) web server that demonstrates how browser/server interactions work for GET and POST requests using the python BaseHTTPServer package. It was updated to version 1.2 on 20-May-2015. This software is licensed under the term of the MIT license. Feel free to use it however you wish.

Use it as a starting point to understand the package when creating your own custom web server for handling specific types of requests but recognize that it is not suitable for a production environment. To use it in such an environment you would, at the very least, want to add improve the error handling and add threading support. You would probably also want to add SSL/TLS support.
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Javascript example that shows how to use the forge package to encrypt/decrypt objects

This example shows how to use the forge package to encrypt and decrypt objects. It also shows how to define a number of useful prototypes and other utility functions.
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Phonegap barcode scanner app using ionic and angularjs

I created a full implementation of a phonegap barcode scanner app using the ionic and angularjs frameworks for the platforms supported by com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner. The platforms supported are Android, iOS and Windows Mobile. It is available from github:
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Automatically install a webserver based on django, nginx and gunicorn on a CentOS 6.5 VPS

This blog presents a bash script that I created to automate the installation of a webserver based on django, nginx and gunicorn on a CentOS 6.5 VPS. The installation installs and configures the necessary system packages, and it installs a number of javascript tools like jquery, jquery-ui, datatables, flot, fancytree and others.
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How to support multiple self-contained production quality web sites based on django, postgres and nginx on a single server using mkwebsite

The mkwebsite package allows you to install multiple completely self contained production quality websites on a single server for development and debugging without root privileges. I have used it for web development on linux and Mac OS X. The sites generated can also be used in production.

I developed it because I wanted to be able to completely remove my development sites without leaving any system wide packages around that I didn’t need and because I wanted to compare security settings side by side for sites that were otherwise identical.

It is very easy to use, simply download the package, extract it and run the associated install script for each website that you want to create. It takes care of all the system administration details (like database and server configuration) so that you can concentrate on development.
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